How to play as a single pilot for a squadron...

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How to play as a single pilot for a squadron...

Post spitfireace »

...Without having to manage the whole campaign.

This info was original from Borton, and i have kept it in a txt file, not tried it myself, but i think a few people have and has worked. If anyone knows anything to add or how to do it better please tell, in the meantime i think this is great info for those wishing to play as a single pilot in a squadron, instead of managing the whole of the campaign.

INFO: (as it came from the posts...)

I've recently decided to fly for a single squadron, rather than jump into all and every one for the opportunity of a scrap.
In case anybody else has tried this, or wants to, and has had trouble doing so (which I have!), the following may help:-

1. Select CAMPAIGNS from the start screen.
2. Select who you wish to fly for, i.e. RAF or LUFTWAFFE.
3. Select which stage of the Battle, e.g. CONVOYS, then press BEGIN.
4. As soon as you get the Campaign map, select the PAUSE box at the bottom left of the screen. It is the second in from the left.
5. Now Right click on the Game Speed box. This is the only one to the left of the Pause box.
6. Now select Time (top of table), followed by Game Speed (2nd from top of next table).
7. The CONTROl window is now displayed, showing the ACCEL(eration) Tab. Leave it alone but make sure that all of the NORMAL TIME ON EVENT boxes are unticked.
8. Click the FLY tab.
9. Select the GROUP which contains the squadron you want to fly for.
10. Select the Aircraft, e.g. Spitfire.
11. Select the Squadron number. If it is not on the table, you have selected either the wrong Group or Aircraft.
12. Now tick the required box in the ALL/FAV/Offer takeover on Event. I ticked the FAV - Take off box, as I want to be in on the sortie from the start. If you only want to jump in when your squadron joins battle with the enemy, then tick either Small or Large Engagement or both, in the FAV column. Do NOT put any ticks in the ALL column as you will defeat the object of the exercise - I did initially and wondered why I was still getting the option to fly for everybody!
13. Click the Tick at the top right hand of the window.
14. Click the Accel box (4th along from the bottom left and you are in business.

I apologise to those who consider I am trying to teach my grandmothers to suck eggs but I would have loved this sort of help from somebody when I tried to do it.

Of course, if anyone thinks I am giving bum instructions, then please holler! I too would like to know.

Another problem can be selecting a squadron which seems to be permanently resting. I selected 610 Squadron at Biggin to start with which apart from reluctant action on day 1, didn't want to leave the ground for the rest of the Convoy stage!

If you want consistent action, then I can recommend 54 Squadron for Spits or 1/151 Squadrons for Hurries. Again initially I selected 65 Squadron at Hornchurch which led me over enemy territory, before beggaring off and leaving me to be shot down by that uncannily accurate enemy flak! I baled out, swam back across the Channel and applied for a transfer to 54 Squadron at Rochford. Any way, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Best of luck

I forgot to mention that the set up I described is for the game to run itself, without interference from the player. It does work as long as you are not attempted to "interfere" at any time! Just accept the occasional screens like DIRECTIVES and PATROLS, without making any alterations.
BTW, check that the Squadron you have selected is on Intercept, rather than just Patrol, if you want a bit more excitement. To do this, click on the Squadron label, when it is displayed on the Map (the bit with the Squadron Number tag and no. of aircraft). You should get the Mission Folder window with your squadron high-lighted in red. Click on the Squadron label at the bottom right. This will give you another window with details of the Squadron. Click DIARY at the bottom of this window.

On this window, look at TASK at the top left. This will tell you whether it is on Patrol or Interception duties.

Hope this is of any help.....


I treasure a remark i made to my grandson who asked "Grandpa were you a hero in the war?" "No" i answered, "But i served in a company of heroes"

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Post SeaVee »

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Post SeaVee »

I am very much ashamed to say that I am just now in the process of learning how to play the campaign. :oops: :oops: :oops: I've been too busy with IA missions, the historic missions, testing, forum help and real life.

I know for some (me included) the campaign seems like an incredibly complex, daunting almost overwhelming task :shock: :? .

Well, let me tell you the above set of instructions is a fantastic way for someone to get a "quick start" and taste of the campaign :idea: .

Here's how:

I took about 30 minutes just glossing over the LW and RAF campaign instructions in the manual just to get an overall view of how it is supposed to work. I did not spend a ton of time concentrating on the fine details. My objective was to just get an overview of the basic functionality.

Then I went to Options>>>Game>>>Mission menue and set:

LW Skill modifier = Low
RAF skill = High
LW Tactics and Intel = historic
Map Plotting = Off
Auto Vectoring = On

Read what these do on pages 57-58 of the manual.

I then followed the instructions in the first post above for single squadron, selecting 54 squadron of the RAF. I left the Directives at default.

May I suggest if you are a total campaign newbie like me, that you change the default game time settings. The game runs at different speeds and slows down or speeds up depending on what stage is ocurring - all are customizable. By slowing things down, it gives you time to comprehend whats going on and "learn" how the campaign works. Hit pause at lower left. Right-click just next to the bottom left date & time screen and a pop-up will appear, pick Time>>Game Speed. Try these settings (or even slower) at first:

Non Raid Speed = 60
Reconn Speed = 30
Raid Speed = 15
Dialogue Speed = 1

By the way, in the upper right corner of the campaign map, I clicked on the "size" icon (just below and to the right of the "X") and was able to go to the desktop - with the game still running (Paused) and open the manual and am literally typing this post with the game running. This allows you to pause things and go back and forth between the manual and game and understand what you are seeing better.

In about an hours time total I've overcome the apprehension and have a basic understanding of how the Campaign works. I now see that the campaign - along with the ability to frag into a huge array of missions at any time - is actually the core of this game.

It is incredible how you can simultaneously be part of and/or manage a strategic battle from the largest macro perspective all the way down to a tactical level and fragging anywhere in between. By being involved at the larger level it makes the IA missions that you actually frag into all the more meaningful and suspenseful.

As someone who has done alot of reading about the Battle of Britain and seen a ton of documentaries and the movie, etc., this now puts me even more into the "time machine mode".

Absolutely fantastic.

I can't believe that for over 2 years now I've missed out on all the campaign has to offer. :cry: :cry: :shock:

I suspect a lot of others are in the same position. I can't urge you enough to give this a try. You won't regret it.
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Post spitfireace »

Welcome to BoB2 WoV SeaVee, our Time Machine. Hope you enjoy it like we all do, and dont hesitate to post should you need a little bit of help.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink: :wink:


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Post cvearl »

:lol: :lol:

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Post IncendiaryLemon »

Remember that Control+E is Eject.

You'll be using it a lot :lol:

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Post SeaVee »

IncendiaryLemon wrote:Remember that Control+E is Eject.

You'll be using it a lot :lol:
Oh yes, in the initial messing around I've done so far I find this much more challenging than the more limited IA missions. I've been shot down three times over the channel already....

Fragging into one's campaign missions is just so much more "meaningful". Not sure how to explain it but there is more of a sense of investment and connection to your virtual squadronmates, especially if you play all the way from takeoff to landing of a given mission/intercept. One has a very strong desire to just "survive" the mission and oddly you develop an eerie concern for what happens to your squadronmates. Its really strange because intellectually I know its just a computer controlled pilot but the immersion just pulls you in.

This is the closest I've felt to good multiplayer missions in other games (Il2) with real human squadronmates. Great fun.
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Post spitfireace »

You´re already feeling it mate!

This is good so now you will also be able to test for agresivenes and the ganging up issue incase is still there although i´ve not had it anymore now since the latest exes, how to behave when the odds are amazingly against you, etc...

IA missions and campaign are different worlds...


I treasure a remark i made to my grandson who asked "Grandpa were you a hero in the war?" "No" i answered, "But i served in a company of heroes"

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Post reflected »

Tally ho!

the a few days ago I decided to start a campaign, as a member of Squadron No. 610 . I play 1 campaign day/ day just to keep it realistic :wink:
Although, I have some questions, that you might be so kind as to answer:
If I take off for a patrol, and Top hat control tells me where the Huns are, am I supposed to give up my patrol, and look for the enemy, or I should just keep following my patrol route?
Actually, I went to find the enemy, but then: I saw them high above me, so I started to climb, flying on the same direction, when I reached their height, I turned behind them. I said "Tally Ho" , and "cover me", but my whole squadron kept flying in formation with me...I pressed F1, and said Tally ho again..nothing happened. I was chasing a 109 with 11 spits on my tail.. :?
One more question for you :wink: : another time, when I went searching the enemy - I was in the air for a long time - after the first burst I've heard the engine sputtering, losing power. No one hit me, and it was not overheating, there was no smoke behind. I thought I'm short on fuel, so I immediately disengaged. For my biggest surprise, I was able te return to Biggin from over the meddle of the channel. So what was that?

BTW I flew 3 missions already, 2 claims, 1 damaged. All settings "realistic". I shot that 2 down on my first misson, when we dived on 20+ 109s flying very low from about 12.000 feet :twisted: I bet they had no idea what killed them. :wink:

Once again, thank you for creating this amazing game! :)

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Post SeaVee »


Did you actually PADLOCK an enemy A/C when you called out Bandits?

You may also want to turn Auto Vectoring ON (see page 58 of the manual).

I'd also suggest setting in the BDG.txt:


As far as the engine sputtering and overheating, had you "broken the wire" and been running at 100% power for more than a few minutes? the symptoms you describe sound like just that.
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Post reflected »

No, I didn't break the wire, that's why I was so surprised. :?

Peter Brooks
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Post Peter Brooks »

All going well so far and single player is working well however I am getting a bit ganged up on. Intercepting a raid of Hienkles I have the whole 110 escort in my rear view mirror, apart from cry and jump what can I do?
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Post Buddye »

Peter Brooks wrote:All going well so far and single player is working well however I am getting a bit ganged up on. Intercepting a raid of Hienkles I have the whole 110 escort in my rear view mirror, apart from cry and jump what can I do?
Hi Peter,

Are you using the new Single Player Campaign EXE found on the link below? ... php?t=8579

Do the 110's just follow or do they actually all shoot at you?

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Post Peter Brooks »

Certainly are using the new EXE et al however having just checked I am just being followed....
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Post rhinomonkey »

Will this method work if i want to fly a campaign as a Stuka pilot within a squadron withour having to manage a whole campaign? I am just starting out with this great sim and the campaign side of things still baffles me. I cant really spend the time i would like on playingand lerning this game as my wife seems to be allergic to flight sims and thinks that i have a mental problem because i want to fly vitual planes! my trackir headset thing makes it worse, she watches me play and thinks i'm a complete nut. oh well!

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